NetChex Setup

NetChex Setup

  1. A list of the NetChex department numbers with a description so we can assign to the POS jobs. Provide this in a plain text list, no screen shots please
  2. A list of the Division and Business codes (if applicable).
  3. Earning codes for regular hours, overtime hours, tips etc.
  4. Employee Numbers - You will need to decide if you are going to use the NetChex Employee Number entered into the POS payroll ID field OR you are going to enter the POS Employee Number on the NetChex side.
  5. What pay cycle you will be using: weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly. Include the start and end dates of your last pay period.
  6. If you are including tips, whether you are using declared tips, charge tips or both.
  7. Are you using the regular rate of pay on OT hours, or the actual OT rate from the POS system.
  8. All rates of pay on hourly employees in the POS system must be accurate. Also, any zero rate of pay records are not included in the output file (by design).

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