iPOS GL Connection Requirements

iPOS GL Connection Requirements

To enable iPOS GL to connect to our servers, follow the steps below:

  1. You have a full exclusion on the c:\Program Files\iPOSGL.Aloha (or for 64 bit systems, its C:\Program Files(x86)\iPOSGL.Aloha) folder in your antivirus.
    1. If your antivirus deleted any files from iPOS GL, you will need to reinstall iPOS GL. Use the links below to download and reinstall (note, you do not need to uninstall anything)
      1. Single Store: https://www.incontrolpos.com/downloads/Aloha/iPOSGLAlohaQBSingleV2.1.zip
      2. Multi Store: https://www.incontrolpos.com/downloads/Aloha/iPOSGLAlohaQBMultiV2.1.zip
  2. To get product updates, make sure you have your firewall opened for:
    1. http://www.incontrolpos.com and https://www.incontrolpos.com
  3. To get data to our app, make sure port 1443 is  open for:
    1. https://data.myposinfo.com

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