Evolution Setup

Evolution Setup

  1. A list of the Evolution depts (with descriptions) that you have setup with Evolution. 
  2. Earning codes for regular hours, OT hours, tips etc.
  3. If you are using Division or Branch, include those numbers/codes.
  4. You want the employee first and last name to appear in the import file?
  5. Do you want the header row to appear in the import file?
  6. Employee Numbers - You will need to decide if you are going to use the Evolution Employee Number entered into the POS payroll ID field OR you are going to enter the POS Employee Number on the Evolution side. What determines this is if you have employees that work in multiple locations and you have only one Evolution EIN setup, then you must use the Evolution Employee Number on the POS side. If don't have employees that work in other stores and/or you have different Evolution EIN's for each location, its easier to enter the POS employee number on the Evolution side. Evolution support can let you know where you enter the POS Emp number on their side.
  7. What pay cycle you will be using: weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly. Know the start and end dates of your last pay period
  8. If you are including tips, whether you are using declared tips, charge tips or both.
  9. Are you using the regular rate of pay on OT hours so Evolution can calculate the correct OT rate for your state?
  10. If you want to email the file out from the application you will need to allow access through your firewall for smtp.gmail.com on port 587
  11. You will need to place an exclusion on our app in your antivirus for c:\program files (or c:\program files(x86) on 64 bit systems) for iPOSPay folder, Make sure you know how to access this in your antivirus and that you know the user name and password if needed.
  12. We will need to install the application under the windows administrator user. Make sure you know how to access with a user name and password.

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